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10 Little Signs Your Long-Distance Bae Is Cheating On You


While it’s almost never easy to see that a significant other is cheating on you, it can definitely be more difficult to spot the signs that a long-distance bae is cheating on you. When you live in different places, a lot of the classic signs of infidelity can easily be excused with innocent things. It’s also a lot more simple for your bae to hide the fact that they’re being unfaithful. They usually have more time to think up lies and excuses, they don’t face the anxiety of running into you somewhere random, and they can go months without seeing you. The accessibility of cheating on someone who lives nowhere near you is a huge reason so many long-distance couples don’t make it – or avoid doing it altogether.

Long-distance relationships require a lot of trust, honesty, and communication, and this article certainly shouldn’t be something that makes you paranoid or less trusting of your partner. But sometimes, the signs are there in front of us – we just don’t want to see them, and so we need a nudge in their direction. Now, if your long-distance bae does only one of those things, this doesn’t mean you need to go on a witch hunt to find proof that they’re cheating – a lot of these, like I said, can easily be excused, sometimes legitimately. At the same time, remember that sometimes, there are no obvious signs of cheating. Some people are disturbingly good at getting away with it.

As college begins and many young couples decide to try and fight the distance and time apart in long-distance relationships, it’s time for a warning – or at least a collection of cheating signs to watch out for. Don’t be overbearingly jealous, but do keep your eyes open.

They Only Want To Visit You

Maybe you guys had established a schedule for visiting each other, or maybe you had plans to visit him/her soon. If they suddenly cancel for a weird reason, and then keep cancelling every time you're supposed to go there, watch out. If they suddenly keep saying things like, "No, I'll come to you, I feel bad making you travel" or "I like coming to visit you better, it's nicer," watch out! They'll either come up with excuses as to why they can't see you that specific weekend, or they'll just insist on always visiting you with a reason that makes it seem like they're doing that just for your convenience.

This is a huge red flag that bae is cheating. If you're with someone who isn't cheating, that person wants you to come see them. They want to show you around and introduce you to people and show off - they want to share their life with you. If they only want to go to you, there's a reason for that, and it's not to make your life easier.

Source: iStock

They're Suddenly Constantly Busy

Okay, this one is tricky, because people really can get super busy with less time for their significant other, especially in long-distance. The trick is paying attention to how it happens. If they had tons of time for you before, and then out of nowhere have zero time to talk, text, or see each other, that's a sign that they're busy doing something with someone else. Even if bae has the hardest workload ever, they would make time to at least text you back - because someone who loves someone else does that. If they don't and claim they can't, be on the lookout for other signs of cheating.

Source: iStock

They Seem Overly Jealous and Paranoid

It sounds weird, but sometimes people who cheat act overly paranoid about their significant other as a result of overwhelming guilt. Because they know they're doing something wrong, they feel super guilty - and they also know how easy it is to hide things. If your bae becomes more jealous than usual and starts making a lot of comments, don't take it as a compliment.

Source: iStock

They've Started Hanging Out With New People

This is another tough sign, especially if you're both in college or just starting college. Of course bae is going to hang with new people, that's part of the experience - which is especially true for the beginning of the year. But if you and bae have been together for a while and you suddenly notice their friend group and routine drastically change, something could be fishy.

Source: iStock

Sexy Stuff Has Died Down

If bae was always down for phone sex and sexting in the past, and now they suddenly seem disinterested, you have to wonder why. It's not because they're bored of it - if they aren't getting any other action, how could they be? They're either doing it IRL or they're feeling so guilty about their actions that they can't handle faking it in a sexy way.

Source: iStock

They Bail On You A Lot

If you're in a long-distance relationship, you guys never see each other - so when you do have plans to meet up, or plans to have a phone call, that person should be excited to see or talk to you. If they're constantly making excuses for why they can't make it or why they can't answer the phone, that's shady. What else are they doing?

Source: iStock

You Catch Them In Little Lies

This is true for any cheating partner - if you start to catch them in a lot of little lies, make sure your guard is up. Maybe your bae says they didn't respond to you last night because they fell asleep with their phone on vibrate... but a few hours later, you notice they're tagged in a photo from a party the night before. Maybe your S.O. says they can't FaceTime because their roomie needs to study, but you see their roomie tweeting about going out. It could be all sorts of little lies - the question is, what are they hiding?

Source: iStock

There's Little To No Social Media Love

I'm not saying that you and bae have to post pictures of each other every day, write sappy statuses about each other, or do #MCM and #WCW every week. You don't! But if your S.O. removes their relationship status or never mentions you at all or doesn't even acknowledge your posts, that's definitely a little shady. If they're cheating, their best way of being caught by the other person is social media, so they'll go out of their way to keep those clues hidden.

Source: iStock

They Either Never Answer Or Take A Long Time To Respond

Okay, this is another sign that's hard to recognize. Not all of us have our phones by our side 24/7, and they might be in class or doing something else that doesn't let them text back right away. But look out for changes. For example, did they always faithfully text back immediately, and now suddenly it takes them hours? Did they have a standing phone date with you that they now regularly break? Do they just go days without calling you? You know what to look out for.

Source: iStock

There's Some Sort Of Sudden Change

One of the biggest signs of cheating is that there is a big, sudden change with how your partner is acting or what they are doing. Maybe you've noticed that they're weirdly more distant and annoyed lately, and they have no explanation for it. Maybe they have started a brand new hobby and you have no idea where it came from. Whatever it is, you'll notice it - and if it makes you feel uneasy, there could be a reason.

Source: iStock

Are you in a long distance relationship? Do you think your bae is cheating? Tell us in the comments.

You can follow the author, Jessica Booth, on Twitter or Instagram.

5 Long Distance Relationship Problems, Solved

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